Support your Promising Female Talent
Key to further career advancement is high self-confidence and belief in one's potential in the early career. In the light of the recent #metoo movement, I feel there is room for improved discussion. I don't believe in burning bridges, I believe in working together for a better world and a more balanced work-life.
I have had the most wonderful bosses, always supporting me and recognising my potential. All of them men.
My pledge for all bosses is; if you have promising Female Talent working for you, please support her in her career transitions. She might not have formulated her wishes for her career as clearly as her male colleagues, but she might have high hopes to be seen and heard. You might think she is passive, but no, she isn't. She doesn't want to seem too power-hungry, women like that are quickly seen as bitchy, some say. Maybe you could ask privately? Have a private discussion and build her self-confidence by encouraging her to accept new challenges. Understanding her individual needs i.e. what is needed from your own leadership style, will work wonders. Key to further career advancement is high self-confidence and belief in one's potential in the early career.
Key to further career advancement is high self-confidence and belief in one's potential in the early career.
Women tend to reflect thoroughly, question their capabilities and "talk down" on themselves. In other words, they need people around them to "talk them up". In my mentoring & coaching experience, the role of the closest boss, self-confidence and the Internal Critic is always discussed. Self-confidence has to do with one's born temperament, identity and feedback. Good coaching bosses exist, but one might have bad luck as well. Should this happen, it is important to find other people around that will help. Many remember their high school teachers, sports coach or another mentor, that have made them feel confident.
For a Female Talent the worst critic is often "the Inner Voice" and unfortunately, most discussions daily take place internally. We might remember some quotes, that have been said to us even long ago and that might have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem. If you have promising Female Talent around, help them with this Inner Critic.
If you have promising Female Talent around, help them with this Inner Critic.
Since career transitions are a fact and they can take place as promotions, layoffs, parental leaves or breaks for further education, it is important that your Female Talent is prepared for these changes and has a sound self-esteem. Act as a mentor and talk about future career even though you couldn't offer the next step yourself. Your words make a difference. Gone are the days when we would have life-long employment anyway. 11 jobs before we reach the age of 46 is the figure by some US statistics.
Your words make a difference. Gone are the days when we would have life-long employment anyway.
Women make excellent leaders. They have the required talent and capabilities, the education. Furthermore, they are good with people and can think very broadly. It is up to all of us to make a difference in the work life of our Female Talent.
Also, we women, let's not sit back and wait for a change. We need to support each other. As a mother of a 9-year-old girl, I will do my best to support the young and will continue as a pro bono Mentor for newly Graduate Female Talent.