Fearless Girl

Some say there is no work-life balance any more, just balance. Agreed. It is hard to give your all if you are not really committed. It is hard to build a personal brand if authenticity is not working for you. Your work life tells a story of a person and vice versa.

A woman's career is different from that of a man's. Some say that even the word Career is too strong "My job history is not a career."

Key to further career advancement is high self-confidence and belief in one's potential in the early career. In the light of the recent #metoo movement, I feel there is room for improved discussion. I don't believe in burning bridges, I believe in working together for a better world and a more balanced work-life.

To master yourself, you need to make the journey of getting to know you. The mindful leader is able to dissolve old beliefs that limit performance and wellbeing.